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Forum de la Francophonie Melbourne and the AFTV have been collaborating for 3 years to offer students studying French from Years 5 to 8 an opportunity to discover the Francophone world by creating a video on a French speaking country.

The competition has been popular amongst schools as the students discover the richness and diversity of the Francophone world by showcasing the history, culture, music and food to name a few aspects of a French speaking country in a video.

We are pleased to share with you the winning videos for 2023.

View winning Francophonie Videos View winning Francophonie Videos

Please see below the list of winning schools for the Francophonie Video Competition:

Years 7 & 8 category (2nd language)

1st prize Presbyterian Ladies’ College - Maurice

2nd prize Gippsland Grammar School - France

3rd prize Sacré Cœur - Maroc

Years 5 & 6 category (2nd language) 

1st prize Kilvington Grammar School - Madagascar

2nd prize Presbyterian Ladies’ College - Maurice

3rd prize Kilvington Grammar School - Madagascar

Years 7 & 8 category (bilingual) 

1st prize Methodist Ladies College - Cambodge

2nd prize Methodist Ladies College - Cambodge

3rd prize Glen Eira College - Haiti