Junior Video Competition for Years 5 to 8
An AFTV/ Forum de la Francophonie Initiative
Applications for the 'Francophonie à travers le monde' competition have closed.
Participants please see below instructions for your students.
Competition Details
Looking for a fun and FREE way to celebrate La Francophonie with your junior students
and to encourage the learning of 'Le monde Francophone'?
Get involved in the AFTV and Forum de la Francophonie’s
'Francophonie à travers le monde' Junior Video Competition!
To provide learning opportunities for students to deepen their knowledge of the diversity of the Francophonie world by exploring a French
speaking country.
- To provide an opportunity for students to speak French through a meaningful and authentic experience.
- To encourage and promote the learning of French as an essential part of the school curriculum.
Note: AFTV is supported by the Victorian Government.
Cost: This event is FREE
Closing date for entries: Thursday 6 April 2023
Deadline to submit videos: Wednesday 7 June 2023 (no late entries can be accepted)
Competition Categories
Please enter your students in one of the following 4 categories:
- Year 5 and/or 6
- Year 5 and/or 6 (Bilingual Schools)
- Year 7 and/or 8
- Year 7 and/or 8 (Bilingual Schools)
Task description
Students should try to use as much French as possible!
- Students research a French speaking country and produce a video to showcase the country allocated to their school.
Students are encouraged to use sentence structures suitable to their level of French language acquisition. Their task is to produce a
video in which they present/describe a French speaking country. Students are encouraged to receive support from their teachers and peers
but should refrain from using online translating software.
Here are some ideas on what could be included in the video. These are only suggestions. Students can be as creative as they want! The
following range of themes are examples of what can be included:
Historical figures
Traditional costumes
Capital City
Flora and Fauna
Competition Rules
- This is a free competition open to students enrolled in Victorian schools from Year 5 to Year 8.
The video produced should be at least 2 minutes long (maximum of 3 minutes) and must be an original piece of work by the student/group of
students. A maximum of 4 students per group.
A total of 2 videos per year level category can be entered per school. (Student names should not be
mentioned in the videos)
- Videos must be chosen and submitted by the classroom teacher in charge of the participating school.
- Once each entry is lodged, it cannot be altered. Incomplete or late entries will not be considered.
- The AFTV reserves the rights to close entries at any time.
- The panel’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
By participating in the competition all competitors give their consent for the submitted videos including the name of the
school to be posted on AFTV and Forum de la Francophonie and French Embassy social media platforms and associated websites during the
Bastille Day Festival, taking place at the Queen Victoria Market on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 July.
Please note Students' names will remain anonymous.
There will be up to 3 winning videos per category. Winners and prizes will be announced by AFTV and Forum de la Francophonie on Thursday
22 June.
- Prizes will be donated by AFTV and the French Embassy of Australia.
- Date of prize giving ceremony to be communicated to schools.
Entry process
Register your school by sending an email to with the following details by Thursday
6 April 2023
- School name
- Teacher in charge’s name
- Contact details - Phone number and email
- Year level categories for each video (please indicate if your school is bilingual)
Once your registration is received, you will be sent an email of confirmation with your allocated country.
At the beginning of Term 2, a link will be emailed to the teacher in charge to upload the videos by the closing date.
Judging Criteria - Criterion of all equal weighting
- Range of ideas and content
- Range and appropriateness of vocabulary and grammar
- Accurate use of French
- Clarity of expression
- Originality
- Creativity (music, props, costumes, etc)