Kit pédagogique "N'oubliez jamais"
November 2022, a team of volunteer teachers with extensive experience in curriculum design and teaching French to Year 9-12 students,
worked on this project. By July 2023, a 20-minute documentary was made on the life of Esther Wise, who was a 15-year-old Jewish girl during
World War Two and survived the Holocaust. After the war, Esther migrated to Melbourne, Australia where she still lives today at age 99. The
last 7 months have been devoted to creating comprehension and communicative activities based on Esther's personal story as she relates
it in the documentary.
The year of the publication of this educational kit marks the centenary of Esther Wise and celebrates the courage and resilience demonstrated by this young girl. We hope that through her experience, your students will never forget that despite our different origins, beliefs, and values, we, as human beings, deserve and must cultivate respect, compassion, and tolerance.
The educational kit:
- Is based on the personal experience of a young survivor of the Holocaust in France
- Is to be used alongside the 20-minute documentary in four parts, with or without French/English subtitles and transcripts
- Is to be presented as interactive and/or printable pdfs
- Contains reading, listening, speaking, viewing and writing activities
- Offers differentiated activities for Years 9-10 and Years 11-12
- Was developed by the AFTV and available to all AFTV members and non-members
Video Content
Currently to switch subtitles, please view the desired video via the Youtube links above.
Video Transcripts
Unit Planner for Years 9 - 10
Click below to access a whole unit of work with 24 lessons planned for Year 9-10 levels according to the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 version.
We are interested in receiving your feedback and/or worksheets, unit planners, scope and sequence documents, rubrics you may wish to
design based on the kit so that we can continue adding to the supporting resources available with the kit.
Please contact
Kit Pedagogique official launch
The kit pédagogique was officially launched at the ARK Centre in Hawthorn East, on Wednesday 29 February. The launch was attended by the French Ambassador to Australia, Pierre-André Imbert and Honorary Consul of France, Myriam Boisbouvier-Wylie.
L-R: Naya Seelig-Schnattner, Lucie Dickens, Esther Wise, the French Ambassador to Australia,
Pierre-André Imbert and Honorary Consul of France, Myriam Boisbouvier-Wylie.
In the media
Following the launch:
- Lucie Dickens was interviewed by SBS. Click here to listen to the podcast of the interview.
- The article below appeared in the Herald Sun
- Pierre-André Imbert posted a moving account on Linkedin
For your students
Melbourne Holocaust Museum - Hidden: Seven Children Saved
The Hidden program is designed as an introduction to the Holocaust for students aged 10 to 14. At the heart of this program, is the experiences of seven children (2 of whom were French) who survived the Holocaust in hiding. Their stories allow students to hear first-hand the survivors' perseverance and bravery, along with the acts of kindness and courage of others, that helped to save their lives.

This exhibition focuses on the experiences of seven children who survived the Holocaust in hiding. As you are taken through the
exhibition by a Melbourne Holocaust Museum team member, visitors hear first-hand the survivor's perseverance and bravery, along with
the acts of kindness and courage of others, that helped to save their lives. This exhibition is delivered through cutting-edge exhibition
technologies including moving images, soundscapes, dioramas and projections, this exhibition offers a truly profound and engaging
learning experience.