The AFTV committee is able to provide funding assistance to members of the AFTV for activities which aim to enhance the teaching and learning of French in Victoria.
Student Subsidies are available at the discretion of the AFTV committee for activities that will benefit students of French. The applicant will need to show how the activity will lead to improved language learning outcomes.
Teacher Subsidies are available at the discretion of the AFTV committee to assist teachers in the improvement of their French language skills either through further study here or abroad. The applicant will need to show how the activity will lead to improved language teaching outcomes.
The AFTV provides the possibility to apply for a subsidy of up to $1,500 for government schools and $750 for independent schools for student activities.
An example of possible activities for which teachers can claim subsidies are the Alliance Française French Film Festival, Melbourne French Theatre Company (MFT), NGV, SLV, or any activities or events that aim to promote the learning of French language and culture in your school/region.
Please note, you may not apply for a subsidy for events which are already subsidised by the AFTV, such as the AFTV's Sortie Cinéma .
Please submit the completed form electronically and send it to
Student Testimony
Chère AFTV, Nous tenons à vous remercier tous pour la subvention extrêmement généreuse que nous avons reçue et qui
nous a permis d'assister au spectacle LUZIA du Cirque du Soleil.
Sans votre généreuse subvention, nous n'aurions jamais pu vivre un spectacle aussi incroyable.Pouvoir regarder cette émission était
incroyable et nous a aidé à avoir une unité engageante et intéressante qui découvrait tout cela dans notre cours de français. Nous
sommes extrêmement reconnaissants d’avoir reçu cette subvention et vous remercions infiniment pour l'incroyable opportunité que nous avons
Merci encore, La classe de français de Swinburne.
par Celina)
The AFTV provides scholarships for ONE STUDENT PER SCHOOL from Independent and Catholic schools to attend the French Immersion Days organised by the Alliance Française de Melbourne. (Students from Government Schools are subsidised through DET).
Please click here to complete an application form, and email to AFTV Treasurer on
Innovation in French Language Teaching
The AFTV invites its members to apply for funding of up to $1,500 (if teaching in a government school) or $750 (if teaching in an independent school) which will assist in the development of initiatives and projects which promote the teaching and/or the learning of French in their school or region. If you are applying for funding for a collaborative project/initiative please complete one form with the details of all teachers/schools involved.
Please submit the completed form electronically
The AFTV is making reimbursements available to AFTV members, for French teacher network meetings. Reimbursements will be to a maximum of $100. Applications should be emailed to