AFTV Committee

New AFTV committee members are welcome to join the committee. The AFTV committee is signed in at the AFTV AGM. We usually meet as a full committee 4-5 times a year. We are eager to welcome country-based teachers to help the AFTV better understand your needs and to organise well targeted student and professional learning activities in regional schools. 

What are the current sub-committees? Please click here  for details regarding the activities of the sub-committees.

AFTV 2024 Committee

President  Philippe Vallantin
Vice-President  Lucie Dickens
Treasurer  Susan Duffy
Minutes Secretary  Fiona Curnow


The first person is the convenor


Lucie Dickens, Philippe Vallantin

Cultural PD Events

Gretchen Bennett,  Veronica Deren, Judy Bognar, Claire Cowen

Digital Presence - Facebook & AFTV Website

Philippe Vallantin,  Dinah Stimar (administration officer)


Diane de St Léger, Isabelle Mangeot-Hewison

Finance & Scholarship

Susan Duffy, Philippe Vallantin, Lucie Dickens


Jennifer Jeffery (co-opted)

Nouvelle Calédonie Study Tour

Caitlin Hancock, Philippe Vallantin

Professional Learning

Nathalie Marchand Secondary | Kim Mullins Primary
Philippe Vallantin, Fiona Curnow, Lucie Dickens, Isabelle Mangeot-Hewison, Loveena Narayanen (for the literary club)



Student Activities (including Francophonie)

Séverine Peyronnet/Loveena Narayanen, Lucie Dickens, Claire Cowen, Gretchen Bennett,  Nathalie Marchand, Isabelle Mangeot-Hewison, Marie Pépin

2024 Committee meeting dates

Term 1
Wednesday 6 March - Bialik College

Term 2
Tuesday 14 May - Lauriston

Term 3
Monday 22 July - Kilvington
Wednesday 18 September - Glen Eira College
Term 4
Thursday 21 November - Sacré Cœur

2024 AGM
Friday 7 February 2025 - Catholic Leadership Centre